Calls like in WhatsApp, but improved
A project in conjunction with our trusted partner Banuba
Change background and/or
become an avatar
Transform video communication with VR
This technology makes it possible to do the same as WhatsApp, and you can even choose to be an avatar if so desired. This is made possible because we use artificial technology and augmented reality.
Filters & avatars
Turn video calls into fun augmented reality meetings with real-time facial animation. Face-augmenting filters mean that the content creator in our metaverse knows no limits.
The Asset Catalogue features over 600 quality filters, all tested in live apps. In no time, you can embed amazing AR masks into your video conferencing or live streaming app. Your users will love them.
Virtual background
Users can automatically erase and replace backgrounds in video calls. They can also replace their physical surroundings with our beautifully designed 3D virtual backgrounds or allow custom images for background replacement, as well as add animation and AR objects to existing backgrounds.
It’s a great way to add fun to video calls – and your users will love it.